Welcome to the Workshop Members Area!

Here, you'll find resources used in our seminars or webinars listed under the following headings:

Recommended Courses

Recommended Reading List

Link to the Science Confirms Reconnective Healing white paper


Angel Healing

Ho'oponopono course

Share Your Story - an invitation to share your experience.

Bec practicing the 'heart sphere'

Other Recommended Courses

Link to Prem Rawat's free course, PEAK - Peace Education And Knowledge https://www.premrawat.com/peak-know-yourself

or tap/click the image above.


Sally Freestun - Soul Wellness Coach

Angel Messenger, Reconnective© Healer, The Reconnection, Rapid Results Coach | People, Places and Pets

Sally's practice is based at Beach Road Body and Mind,

7 Beach Rd, Sandy Bay

See Sally's Natural Therapies Page here

Ho'oponopono - the Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness which leads to healing. The online course I completed is still available at this link - https://flowdevmark.com/featured-products/hooponopono-v2/ for $39USD.

The book by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len titled Zero Limits is also recommended.

Recommended Reading List with associated websites

Although not a necessary part of learning to access The New Healing Frequencies, these books and websites may help to understand and explain this work. Choose the ones that interest you. (My favourites are in bold text)


Dr. Eric Pearl, The Reconnection. Heal Others, Heal Yourself, 2001 www.thereconnection.com

Introduction to Reconnective Healing Free e-book or webpage here

Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov, Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life, 2013.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (ed.) Science Confirms Reconnective Healing, 2011.

Lynne McTaggart, The Field, 2002 http://lynnemctaggart.com/

Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, The Energy Healing Experiments, 2007

Lee Carroll, Kryon (books one to thirteen, 1993-2017) Free audio and transcripts at  www.kryon.com also on YouTube 

Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, The Indigo Children, 1999

Prem Rawat, Hear Yourself - How to find Peace in a Noisy World, 2021 https://hearyourselfbook.com/ 

David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, 2011 www.divinecosmos.com

-          The Synchronicity Key, 2015

-          The Ascension Mysteries, 2016

Bruce Lipton, PhD, The Biology of Belief, 2008

Bruce Lipton PhD and Steve Bhaerman, Spontaneous Evolution, 2009

Rupert Sheldrake, The Science Delusion, 2012

-          A new Science of Life, 2009 

Masaru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water, 2003

Ty Bollinger, The Truth about Cancer, 2016   https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/

Michel Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 2004   www.thiaoouba.com


Also published recently as 'Abduction to the 9th Planet' in paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon.

"Reconnective Healing was brought about because your species is now ready to ascend to the next level..."

My experience with the angelic realm: https://www.lubish.com/angel-healing.html contains a link to the full message about Reconnective Healing channeled by my friend Jenny Kelly in 2010.

The Reconnection

If you haven't yet had the procedure called The Reconnection, it might be time to consider this...here is my explanation about it



Do you teach Reconnective Healing?

No, only Dr. Eric Pearl's team teaches Reconnective Healing. As an authorized Reconnective Kids Instructor from 2011 to 2016, I taught Reconnective Healing to children and their parents, however I now teach Biofield Healing based on my realizations since working in this field during the past forty years and using the concepts and technologies developed by the Keshe Foundation to both explain and extend the possibilities for healing.

Is this like Reiki?

Yes and No.  I've written a whole page about that here.

Will this cure my ....?

Energy healing focuses on you, not your symptoms or diagnoses. Your inner wisdom guides the process and your healing priorities, not the 'healer' or practitioner. However I can confirm the following list of benefits copied from The Reconnection website article listed above.

How Reconnective Healing® Benefits Us

The following list includes some of the most often-reported benefits observed and received through interaction with the Reconnective Healing frequencies.

HEALINGS physical (broken bones, hereditary conditions, cancer, blindness, deafness, cardiovascular disease, skin problems, etc.),mental (psychosis, autism, etc.), emotional (anger, unhappiness, depression, anxiety, etc.), and spiritual (spiritual detachment, lack of life’s purpose, etc.)

AWARENESS An expanded awareness of your inner self and your true needs 

INNER PEACE A deep sense of peace and calm

MENTAL CLARITY It’s suddenly easy to make decisions, to resolve issues, to have direction and purpose in life

CONNECTION A sense of connection with everyone and everything

WELLNESS AND BALANCE We experience a sense of well-being, of being in balance within ourselves and in our lives

INSPIRATION We “find our muse” instantaneously

ACCEPTANCE We start to accept ourselves with ease and stop questioning our worthiness/self-worth

NEW ABILITIES Previously unknown or latent talents emerge

SYNCHRONICITY Synchronicities become a more recognizable and common occurrence in our daily lives

SEAMLESS CHANGE Change often becomes more seamless and our resistance to it becomes less powerful

JOY Joyfulness becomes more frequent and our sense of appreciation often shows up more readily

INSTINCTUAL RESPONSE INCREASES Our instinct becomes sharper, helping us guide our daily life in a more beneficial way

KNOWINGNESS A sense of “knowing” without understanding or needing to know “why”

LIFE GETS RE-ORGANIZED Re-organizing of life and living environments are mentioned frequently

RELATIONSHIPS AND INTIMACY IMPROVE Relationships smooth, enhance and develop while intimacy issues are frequently resolved or softened

BETTER COMMUNICATION Communication often becomes more inspired and fluid

EGO DISAPPEARS The ego takes a backseat, often effortlessly

CONTROL ISSUES VANISH There’s a sudden shift from “being in control” to”being in the flow”

ANGER DISSIPATES Anger and temper issues dissipate

FRUSTRATION DISSIPATES Release of frustration happens easily

MORE LOVE Love becomes more abundant in your life

GREATER PATIENCE Patience shows itself more consistently

Receiving all the benefits the Reconnective Healing Experience offers is not limited to those seeking healing or looking to deepen their understanding of themselves and their place in the universe. We witness, time and again, that even casual exposure to the Reconnective Healing frequencies typically brings benefits to the recipient. Who can benefit, transform and evolve from Reconnective Healing?  Reconnective Healing is for everyone.

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