Biofield Therapies – also known as Energy Healing, New Frequency Healing and Spiritual Healing - are fast gaining recognition as effective ways to help us evolve beyond pain, dis-ease and limitation.
Attracting the attention of various research establishments in the past two decades, there is now plenty of evidence to support their integration into the health regime of anyone seeking to improve their overall wellness.
Best of all, these methods are easy and quick to learn and implement in our lives, empowering us to heal ourselves and others.
My practice has now evolved so that I’m confident to offer three streams of Biofield Therapy:
This page focuses on Reconnective Healing. Please follow the links above for information about the other methods or contact me to discuss the best options for your situation.
Reconnective Healing is quite different to anything I've done before, yet it feels familiar. Very familiar and natural. What I've done before (in the healing field) includes Reiki , Bowen Therapy, massage and using homeopathic and Bach flower remedies. If you ask the researchers they’ve concluded that it’s certainly new, it's different and it's real. It has the ability to facilitate healing on all levels - physical, emotional, mental/intellectual and, surprisingly in our relationships and life path. |
* A recent study of 78 people with shoulder restriction has confirmed what I've noticed in seventeen years of practice: Reconnective Healing is more effective than physical therapy for many painful physical conditions including back, neck and knee pain. |
With Reconnective Healing any of the benefits of other healing methods is possible - including physical therapies and psychological treatments.
But this isn't a therapy or even a method or technique. It's more an awareness, a communion that we share with our patient/client/friend on a high level which allows the space for that person to make new decisions regarding their life path and healing, and if they so choose then the energy, light and information is there to assist in that process.
As a practitioner, it's simple to do. Maybe that's the catch for many of us, including kids: it's too simple. But that doesn't make it easy in a complicated world overloaded with sensory input. And yet, I've see the frequencies make themselves known in even quite noisy situations (i.e. classrooms!).
In short, I'd say that this is your opportunity to feel good again, to reconnect with how good you can feel, how much you can feel; to move on or to find stillness as is most appropriate for you in this moment.
It's a way to receive what you need need now.
Your appointment is usually made for one hour. Firstly, we'll talk, just to get to know one another a little. If you're happy and comfortable we'll proceed.
I don't need to know the details of your diseases or symptoms unless you need to tell me: I'm not here to diagnose or treat any illness and it's often better for you if I don't know. Then I can literally stand back and let the reconnective healing frequencies do their thing for you.
So if you want to continue with the healing session, you'll lie on my big, comfortable massage table, on your back with pillows if necessary. You'll be fully clothed, except for removing your shoes. You can even keep your jewelry and phone with you if you're comfortable. Nothing can disrupt the flow of this energy, light and information.
This is "hands off" beyond energy healing, so I won't physically touch you until it's time to tell you to open your eyes. You can relax, let go and simply notice. Notice what there is to notice. Notice when there's nothing to notice and enjoy that too. Stay awake if you can; sleep if you need to.
This part of the session is usually for 30 minutes. Then we'll talk about what you noticed, if anything. You may experience immediate effects or they may appear over time. The benefits will continue to unfold long after the session finishes so some people like to keep a journal so they can look back and see their progress - or evolution - over time.
Reconnective Healing may also be facilitated as Distance Healing.
It is recommended that you have one to three sessions, and I like to make three appointments when we first meet. If you find that one or two are enough you can always cancel a day or more before your next appointment.
So here's another point of difference: this is not an ongoing therapy situation where you'll need to come back for endless treatments to stay balanced or pain free. With exposure to these healing frequencies and The Reconnection you really have the opportunity to re-learn how to heal your self!
And when you experience a healing, it's usually permanent.
"Reconnective Healing is neither a technique nor a collection of
techniques. It has little to do with rules or procedures. It's a new
state of being. It becomes you. You become it. And you are forever changed. Period."
- Eric Pearl, The Reconnection, Heal Others Heal Your Self, p 175.
Here's a video of Eric Pearl explaining the things that make Reconnective Healing distinct from other healing work - in English with German subtitles. (12 minutes) |
Find out about The Reconnection here
Contact me for more information on Reconnective Healing or to make your appointment
Other applications of these frequencies: