by Ruth Howard
(Hobart, Tasmania, Australia)
I took my own and another's 6 year old to attend Michael's Reconnective Kids Workshop in Hobart, Tasmania.
My own child responded immediately to the possibilities in the room and ended up drawing the whole workshop before we'd even commenced, right down to details like Michael in front of a white board whilst we sat and listened as well as some of us on the massage tables practicing our newfound Reconnective Healing skills.
The other 6 year old bucked and was antsy throughout, Michael allowing him to divert himself to the drawing table where paper and pens were provided. By the time the workshop was complete however the second child who really didn't seem to be 'connecting' ran the healing energy throughout his own body and really felt the awesome sensations of self healing. He got up totally calmed and feeling great! He stated eagerly that he loved it! My own son similarly, it seemed potent for them when they were healing themselves.
Since the workshop my son uses Reconnective Healing when he cannot sleep which is often as not. He voluntarily practiced distance healing twice the other night for another child.
I'm looking forward to experiencing the full "Reconnection" experience in September with Michael.